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Membership        About ONS
       The Oriental Numismatic Society (ONS) was founded in 1970 to foster interest in the study and collection of all series of oriental coinage, from North Africa and Muslim Spain to the Far East. Open to amateurs and professionals alike, it now has over 500 members world-wide. There are Regional Secretaries in the UK, USA, Netherlands, India and Pakistan. One of the Regional Secretaries in the UK services the 'rest of the world'. The Society operates on an informal basis with members being expected to take the initiative in contacting each other over subjects of mutual interest. Regional Secretaries and others arrange meetings from time to time. The Society publishes a Journal four times a year. This contains a range of information and articles, including ONS news, details of new members and their interests, changes of address, information about new and recent publications and articles, book reviews and articles of various lengths about coin series, individual coins, problems of dating, medals, tokens etc. Occasional Papers and Information Papers were published in the past, but are now replaced by supplements which are also published from time to time. A membership list is issued and updated roughly every 4-5 years.

       The important thing about the ONS is that its activities and publications are entirely dependent upon its members. The vast majority of the articles published in the newsletter are provided by members and bear witness to the wide range of interest and knowledge that is available within the Society. The length of the Journal varies depending on the amount of material available for publication, the aim being to offer contributors the chance to get their thoughts and information into print quickly.

       Anybody interested in becoming a member of the ONS and / or contributing articles for publication should contact the relevant Regional Secretary mentioned below, or the editor of the Journal, as appropriate. Back copies of the newsletters/Journals, though not necessarily all issues, can usually be obtained from the Regional Secretaries (not the Editor) for a small cost plus postage. A supply or more recent issues is also held at the Coin and Medal Department of the British Museum, London, WC1B 3DG (contact: Joe Cribb).

Secretary General:
Paul Stevens
e-mail: pjes3288@hotmail.com

The Regional Secretaries are as follows:

Newsletter Editor
Karan Singh
e-mail: editor.jons@gmail.com

       Current annual subscription rate is EUR 30,00. For other currency areas the relevant Regional Secretary should be consulted.

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