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Annual General Meeting
3 June 2000

       This year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 3 June 2000 at the Cumberland Hotel, Marble Arch, London in a room adjacent to the Cumberland Coin Fair being held on that day. The business of the meeting will be:

  • To receive the Council’s report on the activities of the Society during the previous year;
  • To receive and consider the Society’s accounts for the previous year;
  • To consider and discuss any points raised either in writing to the Secretary, Peter Smith, no later than one month prior to the meeting or by members present on the day.
       After the meeting there will be some talks the details of which have yet to be determined. Thanks to Frances and Howard Simmons for making this facility available to the Society. More details will be posted to this site in due course or you can contact the Secretary, Peter Smith.

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