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Annual General Meeting 2005

    George A Fisher, Jr
    Kenneth McKenzie
    Ömer Diler


  • Zahir-uddin Muhammad Babur - a Nusmismatic Study by Aman ur Rahman
  • Orientalisches Münzkabinett Jena I: Sylloge der Münzen des Kaukasus und Osteuropas by Tobias Mayer with Stefan Heidemann and Gert Rispling

  • "The 'anonymous' coinage of Aksum - typological concept and religious significance" by Wolfgang Hahn
  • "A variant legend for Wazen of Aksum" by Vincent West
  • "An almost new Arab-Byzantine coin type (additions to ONSNL 182) by Nikolaus Schindel
  • "Glass tokens from palace B in al-Raqqa" by Stefan Heidemann
  • "Qumm, a new Ziyarid mint, and some remarks on the dinars of al-Qahir and al-Zahir from that mint" by Roland Dauwe
  • "A portrait coin of the Sangam age Cholas" by Wilfried Pieper
  • "Achyu coins of Ahichhatra and their late 4th century derivatives" by Wilfried Pieper
  • "Sikh coins with the Dar Jhang legend" by Gurprit S. Dora
  • "A unique true Nanakshahi coin of the Sikhs by Gurprit Gujral (Gurprit S. Dora)
  • "Maratha issues of Ahmedabad" by Shailendra Bhandare
  • "A new Assamese coin with Nagari script" by Nicholas Rhodes
  • "A Safavid coin of Rayy" by Stan Goron
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