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How to prepare articles for publication
in the ONS Newsletters

  • Articles should be presented in Word for Windows format or any other format that can be read by Windows.
  • Font type: Times New Roman.
  • Font size: 9 point type but it can be presented to Editor in larger size for editing.
  • Spacing: single.
  • Footnotes are acceptable using Word for Windows “Insert footnote” facility; but any endnotes must be typed in normally without using the “Insert endnote” facility.
  • The article should be capable of the double column format used if possible, though tables can be presented full width if necessary.
  • Arabic and other legends should be both transliterated and translated; the transliterations should be in italics, without capital letters but with appropriate diacriticals where possible (these may not come out properly if sent by e-mail, but we can try).
  • If anyone wishes to include any exotic fonts they should send me a sample first to see if I can read it satisfactorily on my computer; if not they will need to use a font that I do have or else send me the font too.
  • Line-drawings can be incorporated within the text; all photographs and scans must be of sufficient quality for clear reproduction. If included in the body of the article, they should also be sent at separate, clearly named JPG files.
  • The preferred language for articles is English. I can accept articles in French, German, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese (probably) and Romanian if absolutely necessary, but prefer not to have to spend time translating such articles.
  • Acceptance of any article is at the sole discretion of the Editor.
Stan Goron
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