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Oriental Numismatic Society

Future meetings and newsletter

      28th September 2002 – at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford in the Museum’s Headley Lecture Theatre.
      Beginning at 11 am with a welcome address by Nick Mayhew the keeper. The focus of the lectures will be North-West India, Pakistan, Afghanistan - Gandhara region in c. 2nd c. BC to 5th c. AD and papers are expected to deal with Indo-Greek, Indo-Scythian, Kushana, Kidarite and Hunnic coins. Speakers will include, Shailendra Bhandare of the Ashmolean Museum, Joe Cribb of the British Museum and Naseem Khan from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan. We expect to end by 4.30 pm at the latest.

      Further information from Shailendra Bhandare, telephone number 01865-288270 and Mrs. Rosalyn Britton-Strong 01865-278058.

      5 October 2002 – at the British Museum, Department of Coins and Medals, London. Starting at 11 am, a day on East Asian coinage. Speakers will include Helen Wang of the British Museum.

      23-24 November 2002 - University of Birmingham Barber Institute of Fine Arts/Westmere conference centre Seventh-Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table 2002 Coinage & History in the 7th century Near East. The programme and full details are at http://www.onsnumis.org/Birmingham2002.shtml

      Newsletter - I have posted newsletter 171 and a supplement today. They are going second class and so should arrive towards the end of the week.

      I do have copies of the last few years newsletters and supplements for sale. Please let me know if you would like any. An index is at the website www.onsnumis.org

      Peter Smith
      Secretary Oriental Numismatic Society
      +44 (0)20 7228 6826

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